Monday, January 23, 2012

More new understanding

Well, I'm home from the internist's without an answer to what is causing the fever, but things are being cultured to get better clues.  Meanwhile, I am not feeling bad.

So, I heard both the single ping and the multiple pings in the backing-up car.  I understood a lot of the weather and traffic update on the car radio (it's been a long time since I could understand any of that).  I heard the nurse summon me into the doctor's inner sanctum and I could understand much of what my doctor was saying to me even when she was facing her computer, not me.  All of this is progress.

Next, it's Kindle listening time.


  1. Thanks for your blog all the blogs I read really are helpful. I am due to be activated on the 24th of this month. It is hard not to be excited and to keep my expectations low. I'm glad that you had hearing as early in the activation as you did. That seems like a great sign. continued good luck

  2. I am keeping up with your blog. You are doing great. Keep it up.
    Hope the medical people find out what is causing your fever. I hope you are not allergic to Leon! Just kidding~~
    Be well and stay well.

    Take care,
