Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My stitches are gone!

I just returned from HUP, where my surgeon's nurse removed my stitches.  Does it feel different?  A little bit freer, I think.

She also answered a bunch of questions for me.  Yes, the wound looks fine, a little tender in one spot but no infection, the little bit of scabbing is okay.  Yes, I can now wash, cut or color my hair, being careful not to let water get into the ear.  I should use a cotton ball with a bit of Vaseline on the end of it to keep the ear canal dry.  No, I still cannot blow my nose or sneeze (except with my mouth wide open) for another week, preferably two.  Yes, still having intermittent pain is normal.  It will probably continue, though with less frequency, for a few more weeks.  Yes, I need an appointment with the surgeon.  When?  For about three months from the date of surgery, unless I become aware of a problem.  (I made that.)  And, yes, I can play tennis again about a month after the surgery.

So I'm clearly on the mend.

I want to revisit the dental floss issue, however.  Contrary to my expectation the day I posted about that, I am still not comfortable using the one-handed gizmos because of the tension needed to remove the floss.  I do much better with a proxy brush and my electric tooth brush and poker.

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