Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Not so fast...

Well, the first 12 hours or so were a piece of cake, but the next 12 were not so easy.  The pain killers wore off too fast, my mouth and throat and lips were really, really dry and the cold I got from Lee was becoming more of a problem.  So last night I was up a lot, looking at the clock and trying to make it move faster, and realizing why so many people complain about the plastic cup that protects the wound and the headband. (I looked like a Revolutionary War soldier.  Gorgeous! And I felt more like I had been in a battle.)

I was also on the verge of being nauseous whenever I woke up, which was frequently.  So it was not fun.

Today I am better again.  I started drinking more (I was afraid to drink a lot when I felt nauseous).  We took the bandage and cup off and that was a big relief.  And Lee bought me some popsicles, which have really helped the ultra-dry mouth.  And I just woke up from another delicious nap.  So, I'm not complaining.  I'm doing pretty well, all things considered.

Yesterday I did not notice a tremendous difference in my hearing before (having two damaged ears) and after (being deaf in one) the implant.  Today there is more of a difference, most of which is due to the cold I have, I think.  A cold always blocks some of the acuity in hearing.  So I am not hearing much at the moment.

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